Frequently Asked Questions
What is a CODEC and what are the types?
Last Updated 6 years ago
A Codec converts an analog signal to a digital one for transmission over a data network. The following Codecs are the most common ones:
- GSM - 13 Kbps (full rate), 20ms frame size
- iLBC - 15Kbps,20ms frame size: 13.3 Kbps, 30ms frame size
- ITU G.711 - 64 Kbps, sample-based. Also known as alaw/ulaw
- ITU G.722 - 48/56/64 Kbps
- ITU G.723.1 - 5.3/6.3 Kbps, 30ms frame size
- ITU G.726 - 16/24/32/40 Kbps
- ITU G.728 - 16 Kbps
- ITU G.729 - 8 Kbps, 10ms frame size
- Speex - 2.15 to 44.2 Kbps